We are pleased to announce that Argo has been accepted as an affiliate member of SOLLA.
For those of you who don't know what SOLLA is, it is the Society of Later Life Advisers. SOLLA was established in 2008 as a not for profit organisation, dedicated to achieving higher standards and accessibility to regulated financial advice for older people and their families.
All SOLLA advisers specialise in the financial needs of older people. The financial advisers who are accredited as SOLLA members have to take independent qualifications to achieve their accreditation and are able to advise on:-
funding for care home fees
funding for care in your home
equity release and other options with your property
savings and investment planning
tax matters, estate and wealth planning
For us making sure that our clients receive the best advice is always utmost in our thoughts and this is why we recommend SOLLA financial advisers if a client requires independent investment advice.
We have been granted affiliate status because of the work we do in advising and assisting older people and the care we provide our clients.

We hope that our affiliate status will further reassure you of the excellent advice you will receive if you instruct Argo to act on your behalf.
If you are interested in finding out more about SOLLA please use the link below.