Complaint Resolution Policy
As a company we never want to get to the point at which you feel you need to complain about the work we have completed for you. We do understand however that things can go wrong. In order to ensure that you think we take complaints seriously
We have appointed a complaints officer, Kevin Collier, to act as your point of contact within the team.
We understand that you may not wish to make a formal complaint but express your dissatisfaction with something we have done. We would like to reassure you that if you are unhappy with something we have done this will not prejudice any further work you may wish us to do on your behalf and will not incur costs.
We will always try to resolve your complaint at the earliest opportunity but we want to set out in writing how we will do this.
This is Argo’s resolution procedure
1. For complaints by telephone, we will try to deal with the matter there and then but if that is not possible we will ask you to put the details in writing and the following procedure will be followed.
2. Within forty eight working hours of receipt of a written complaint it will be recorded in our central register. We will send you a letter of acknowledgement and may ask you to confirm or provide further details or an explanation. We need to know why you are complaining, the circumstances that have lead you to complaint and what you are complaining about. Please initially refer your complaint to Kelly Collier. She will let you know the name of the person who will be dealing with your complaint once it has been received and reviewed. This will not be the person who has been managing work on your behalf within the office but an independent senior member of the Argo team.
3. We will then start to investigate your complaint internally. This may involve one or more of the following steps:
a. We will ask the member of staff who acted for you to provide a report on the management of your case to our complaints officer.
b. The complaints officer will also conduct a full review of your case, the correspondence and activities which have been undertaken on your behalf.
c. The complaints officer will aim to send you a detailed written response within two weeks of receipt of your complaint setting out the results of their investigations and the options available to you to resolve your concerns , or
d. If they are unable to reply within that period, they will let you have the proposed timetable for response.
4. We would like the opportunity to discuss with you a resolution process so we will invite you to a meeting to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint. Within forty eight working hours of the meeting the senior investigator will write to you to confirm what took place and any solutions that have been proposed.
If eight weeks have elapsed from the date of your complaint, you may wish to refer this matter to
The Legal Ombudsman (LeO)
P O Box 6167
Slough SL1 0EH
tel: 0300 555 0333
email: enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk
web: www.legalombudsman.org.uk
who offers a separate and independent scheme to resolve complaints. Strict time limits apply to the above process. We have eight weeks to try and resolve your complaint to your satisfaction before LeO can become involved. If you remain dissatisfied, you must refer the complaint to LeO within six months from the date of our final written reply to your complaint. You must take your complaint to LeO no more than one year from the date of the act or omission being complained about, or not more than one year from the date when you should have realised there was a cause for complaint and within six months of receiving a final response to us from us to your complaint.
You may also refer a complaint to
CILEx Regulation
Room 301
Endeavour House
West Park
Bedfordshire MK45 4HS
tel: 01234 845 770
email: info@cilexregulation.org.uk
web: www.cilexregulation.org.uk
if it is about the personal and professional conduct, rather than the service provided of a CILEx member including Student members, Associate members, Affiliate members, Graduate members, CILEx Fellows, CILEx Practitioners, Approved Managers, Compliance Managers and Authorised Entities.
Alternative Dispute Resolution bodies such as
Pro Mediate Limited UK
Brow Farm, Top Road
tel: 0203 621 3908 or 07827 961 764
email: enquiries@promediate.co.uk
web: www.promediate.co.uk
exist which are competent to deal with complaints about legal services should both you and our firm wish to use such a scheme.
I would encourage you to tell our regulator what you think of the service you have received.
To do this visit www.cilexregulation.org.uk and complete the CILEx Regulation Client Survey in the section consumers.
Please note:
1. working days means any day other than Saturdays, Sundays and bank/national holidays
2. strict time limits apply to the above process. We have eight weeks to try and resolve your complaint to your satisfaction before LeO can become involved. If you remain dissatisfied, you must refer the complaint to LeO within six months from the date of our written reply to your complaint.
3. The LeO Scheme covers client complaints or those complaining on behalf of a client who has a complaint. It does not extend to events prior to 6 October 2010.
4. You must take your complaint to LeO no more than one year from the date of the act of omission being complained about, or no more than one year from the date when you should have realised there was a cause for complaint and within six months of receiving a final response from us to your complaint.
Finally, we need to advise you that all of our services are covered by professional indemnity insurance but only our probate services may be covered by CILEx Regulation’s Compensation Arrangements
Areas of Law | Covered by insurance | Covered by CILEx Compensation Scheme |
Social & Wellbeing advice | Yes | No |
Personal Affairs admin | Yes | No |
Court of Protection (COP) admin | Yes | No |
Lasting Powers of Attorney LPAs | Yes | No |
Trusts | Yes | No |
Wills | Yes | No |
Probate | Yes | Yes |