Lasting Power of
Fees and charges
There are many ways to complete a Lasting Power of Attorney. You can do this yourself, you can take professional advice or you can meet in the middle. Argo offers a service that will help you the most. Remember, you are not paying us to complete a form and tick some boxes but for the important advice surrounding the operation of the Lasting Powers.
We have designed three options of how we charge for work relating to Lasting Powers of Attorney. Remember, there are both property and affairs Lasting Powers that you can complete. You may require one or both of these documents but it is up to you to decide whether you complete one or both.
Option One - the works!
If you wish to just receive completed registered lasting powers and leave the hassle of completing the forms to someone else the work we do will include:-
Meeting you to explain lasting powers of attorney and how they work
Advising you in relation to the appointment of attorneys, replacement attorneys, restrictions and conditions, how to appoint attorneys, when they should be used, notifying individuals and certificate providing
Completion of draft lasting powers and providing letter of advice for consideration
Meeting you to sign the lasting powers
Acting as certificate provider if required
Co-ordinating signature of the lasting powers by certificate provider and attorneys
Co-ordinating registration of lasting powers with the Office of the Public Guardian
If you opt for “the works” we will make fixed charges as follows:-
One Lasting Power of Attorney
£600 plus VAT and one court fee of £82
Two Lasting Powers of Attorney
£800 plus VAT and two court fees £164
Three Lasting Powers of Attorney
£1000 plus three court fees £246
Four Lasting Powers of Attorney
£1200 plus VAT plus four court fees £328
​Option Two – acting as certificate provider
If you do not wish us to complete the whole job of preparing and registering your lasting powers of attorney we are able to just act as certificate provider.
Our fixed costs for this are:-
One Lasting Power of Attorney
£300 plus VAT
Two Lasting Powers of Attorney
£400 plus VAT
Three Lasting Powers of Attorney
£500 plus VAT
Four Lasting Powers of Attorney
£600 plus VAT
Option three – just checking
If you just want to be reassured that the forms you have completed are correct, witnessed and dated as they should be we can just check them over for you. Our fixed costs for this are £300 plus VAT ie £360 for however many you need checking. Please note we will not be advising you in relation to completing the forms just that the content is correct for registration.
Other charges
These are fees that are payable to third parties other than Argo for other services that may be provided. You will encounter the following charges:-
Office of the Public Guardian application fee £82 per document
(Please note that you may be eligible for an exemption or remission in relation to these fees depending upon the benefits you receive and gross income you receive).
Electronic identification check (per name) £15 plus VAT
HM Land Registry office copy £6
If you wish Argo to provide certified copies of the lasting powers for use then we may additional certificate charges of £25 plus VAT per copy.
What is not included in the above?
There may be other services that you require in relation to the completion of lasting powers of attorney. These could be:-
Search of the Office of the Public Guardian register no charge
Deed of revocation (previous lasting power or EPA) £200 plus VAT ie £240
Completion of business lasting power of attorney £1,000 to £2,000 plus VAT ie £1,200 to £2,400
Action following objection to registration Fee negotiated at point of advice
Attorneyship advice Fee negotiated at point of advice