Do you have an illness or a disability which makes life difficult some days? Can you bend down to pick things up off the floor or to put your shoes on? Do you need any equipment to make life a little easier? Do you need reminding to do things or help to do things? If you have answered yes to any of these questions you may be eligible to receive attendance allowance.
Attendance allowance can be claimed if you are of state pension age and incur extra costs to live because of your illness or disability. It is a non means tested benefit which is paid to individuals who need help during the day or night to care for themselves, who need supervision with daily activities or need assistance to prevent them from putting themselves in danger.
It does not matter how much money you have in the bank or what your income is. What matters is sometimes you struggle a little bit. The payment is made to help you to keep your independence for as long as possible and is, sadly, one of the most under claimed benefits there is.
If you have needed assistance for at least six months you may be eligible for financial support. If you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and you are not expected to live for more than six months you will be eligible for a payment.
Attendance allowance covers assistance with things like:-
• Washing
• Dressing
• Getting in and out of bed
• Using the loo
• Moving around at home ie climbing the stairs, getting in and out of chairs
• Eating or drinking and preparing food
• Taking medication
• Dealing socially with other people
• Keeping an eye on you to make sure you are safe
Whilst attendance allowance is paid when you stay at home you can also claim this benefit if you live in a residential or nursing home. If you pay for the costs of your care, in full, with no help from the local authority you can still receive attendance allowance.
This benefit is not claimed by everyone who is entitled. It should be. You have not asked to have an illness or a disability that makes it difficult to manage each day so why not have a little extra in your pocket to help with those extra costs. You are able to use the allowance to purchase the services of a carer, a gardener, a cleaner, to get a taxi if you cannot drive or take the bus, to purchase a new microwave, whatever it is you need. That extra £50 to £90 per week could make a really big difference!
If you need help or advice in claiming attendance allowance please give us a call.
